Joon-Sang Park (박준상)
Professor, Computer Engineering Dept.
Hongik University
94 Wausan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul 04066, Korea
Email: jsp@hongik.ac.kr, jsp@hongik.edu
Joon-Sang Park received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University
of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2006 and the M.S. degree in computer science from the University of
Southern California in 2001. He is currently Professor of Computer Engineering at
Hongik University (Seoul, Korea) where he directs the Intelligent Platform Lab. His research
interests include bioinformatics and machine learning. He is a senior member of IEEE.
(Google scholar Profile)
Publications |
International Journal
[J37] Non-invasive strategy: Developing a topical IL-4Rα-specific nanobody for the treatment of allergic airway diseases. T. Ahn et al. MATERIALS TODAY BIO, 2024.
[J36] Aligned Matching: Improving Small Object Detection in SSD. S. Kang and J.-S. Park. Sensors, 2023.
[J35] Tissue Niche Miniature of Glioblastoma Patient Treated with Nano-Awakeners to Induce Suicide of Cancer Stem Cells. S. Yoon, et al. Advanced Healthcare Material, 2022.
[J34] Sprayable nanomicelle hydrogels and inflammatory bowel disease patient cell chips for development of intestinal lesion-specific therapy. H. Yoon, et al. Bioactive Materials 2022.
[J33] Nanotheranostics of Pre-Stenotic Vessels By Target Touch-On Signaling of Peptide Navigator. S. Yu, et al. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 2022.
[J32] Reducing energy consumption of RNC based media streaming on smartphones via sampling. S. Shin and J.-S. Park. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019.
[J31] Efficient Eye-blinking Detection on Smartphones: A Hybrid Approach Based on Deep Learning. Y. Han, W. Kim, and J.-S. Park. Mobile Information Systems, 2018.
[J30] Energy efficient QoS-aware random network coding on smartphones. H. Shin and J.-S. Park. Mobile Networks and Applications 22 (5), 880-893, 2017.
[J29] Optimizing random network coding for multimedia content distribution over smartphones. H. Shin, J.-S. Park. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76 (19), 19379-19395, 2017.
[J28] Utilizing context-relevant keywords extracted from a large collection of user-generated documents for music discovery. Z. Hyung, J.-S. Park, K. Lee. Information Processing & Management 53 (5), 1185-1200, 2017.
[J27] Delay-Optimal Scheduling for Two-Hop Relay Networks with Randomly Varying Connectivity: Join the Shortest Queue-Longest Connected Queue Policy. S. J. Baek, J.-S. Park. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2017.
[J26] Application of precise indoor position tracking to immersive virtual reality with translational movement support. J. Shin, G. An, J.-S. Park, S. Baek, K. Lee. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(20), 2016.
[J25] Massive parallelization for random linear network coding. S. Choi, K. Lee, J.-S. Park. Appl Math Inf Sci 9 (2L), 571-578, 2015.
[J24] Minimum cost data aggregation for wireless sensor networks computing functions of sensed data. C. Chen, K. Lee, J.-S. Park, S. Baek. Journal of Sensors, 2015.
[J23] A residual energy gradient cognitive scheme for cluster reconstruction in wireless sensor networks. H. Kim, S. Ahn, H. Oh, J.-S. Park. Information, 18(8), 3607-3618, 2015.
[J22] Securing one-way hash chain based incentive mechanism for vehicular ad hoc networks. J.-S. Park, S. Baek. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 7(4), 737-742, 2014.
[J21] Cross-layer scheduling for multi-users in cognitive multi-radio mesh networks. W. Kim, J.-S. Park. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 14(11), 1034-1044, 2014.
[J20] Fast parallel implementation for random network coding on embedded sensor nodes. S. Choi, K. Lee, J.-S. Park. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2014.
[J19] A highly parallelized decoder for random network coding leveraging GPGPU. J.-S. Park, S. Baek, K. Lee. The Computer Journal, 57(2), 233-240, 2014.
[J18] Cross-layer optimization for wireless multihop multicast networks. W. Kim, J.-S. Park, S. Ahn. The Journal of Supercomputing, 66(1), 21-34, 2013.
[J17] Integrating Random Network Coding with On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol. J.-S. Park, S. Baek. ETRI Journal, Vol. 34(5), Oct. 2012. [link]
[J16] Secure Incentives for Commercial Ad Dissemination in Vehicular Networks. S.-B. Lee, J.-S. Park, M. Gerla, S. Lu. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 61(6), Jul. 2012.
[J15] ComboCoding: Combined intra-/inter-flow network coding for TCP over disruptive MANETs. C. Chen, C. Chen, S. Oh, J.-S. Park, M. Gerla, M. Sanadidi. Journal of Advanced Research, Vol. 6(1), 2011.
[J14] Vehicular communications: emergency video streams and network coding. J.-S. Park, U. Lee, M. Gerla. J. Internet Services and Applications, 1(1), 57-68, 2010.
[J13] On Improving Parallelized Network Coding with Dynamic Partitioning. K. Park, J.-S. Park, W. Ro. IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 21(11), 2010.
[J12] FleaNet: A Virtual Market Place on Vehicular Networks. U. Lee, J. Lee, J.-S. Park, M. Gerla. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 59 (1), Jan. 2010.
[J11] Graph sharpening. H. Shin, N. Hill, A. Lisewski, J.-S. Park. Expert Systems with Applications, 37(12), 7870-7879, 2010.
[J10] An Analytical Framework for Neighbor Discovery Strategies in Ad Hoc Networks with Sectorized Antennas. J.-S. Park, S. Cho, M. Sanadidi, M. Gerla. IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 13 (11), Nov. 2009. [pdf]
[J9] Efficient Peer-to-Peer File Sharing using Network Coding in MANET. U. Lee, J.-S. Park, S. Lee, W. Ro, G. Pau, M. Gerla. Journal of Communications and Networks. Vol. 10(4), Dec. 2008.[pdf]
[J8] Delay analysis of car-to-car reliable data delivery strategies based on data mulling with network coding. J.-S. Park, U. Lee, S. Y. Oh, M. Gerla, D. S. Lun, W. W. Ro, and J. Park. IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst. Vol.E91-D, No.10, 2008.[pdf]
[J7] CORA: Collaborative Opportunistic Recovery Algorithm for loss controlled, delay bounded ad hoc multicast. Y. Yi, J. Kong, M. Gerla, J.-S. Park. Computer Communications (Elsevier), Vol. 31(15), 2008.[pdf]
[J6] E-ODMRP: Enhanced ODMRP with motion adaptive refresh. S. Oh, J.-S. Park, M. Gerla. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (Elsevier), Vol. 68(8), 2008.[pdf]
[J5] Simultaneous thin-thread processors for low-power embedded systems. W. Ro, J. Yi, J.-S. Park, J. Park. IEICE ELEX, Vol. 5(19), 2008.
[J4] Time-critical Underwater Sensor Diffusion with No Proactive Exchanges and Negligible Reactive Floods. U. Lee, J. Kong, J.-S. Park, E. Magistretti, M. Gerla. Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier), Vol. 5(6), 2007.[pdf]
[J3] CodeCast: Network Coding based Ad hoc Multicast Protocol. J.-S. Park, D. S. Lun, Y. Yi, M. Gerla, M. Medard. IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 13(5), 2006. [pdf]
[J2] MIMOMAN: A MIMO Mac Protocol for Ad hoc Networks. J.-S. Park, M. Gerla. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3738, 2005.[pdf]
[J1] Optimizing Graph Algorithms for Improved Cache Performance. J.-S. Park, M. Penner, V. K. Prasanna. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 15(9), 2004.[pdf]
Conference Proceedings (out-of-date)
[C24] Massive parallelization technique for random linear network coding. S. Choi, J.-S. Park. 2014 International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BIGCOMP), 2014.
[C23] On-demand clustering mechanism for wireless sensor networks. S. Ahn, H. Kim, J.-S. Park, J. Yoo. 2013 International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC), 256-261, 2013.
[C22] CodeMP: Network Coded Multipath to support TCP in Disruptive MANETs. C. Chen, G. Tahasildar, Y. Yu, J.-S. Park, S. Oh, M. Gerla, M. Sanadidi. In Proc. IEEE MASS 2012.
[C21] Multiple Network Coded TCP Sessions in Disruptive Wireless Scenarios, C. Chen, C. Chen, J.-S. Park, S. Oh, M. Gerla, M. Sanadidi. In Proc. IEEE MILCOM 2011, Baltimore, MD, November. 2011.
[C20] Reducing transmission latency of real-time resilient video distribution by employing cumulative random linear coding. J. Kim, J. Kim, J.-S. Park. In Proc. IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2011.
[C19] An Optimization Framework for Opportunistic Receiver Scheduling in Wireless Multi-hop Networks. J. Kwak, J.-S. Park, J. Mo, M. Gerla. In Proc. of IEEE WCNC 2010.
[C18] COCAST: MULTICAST MOBILE AD HOC NETWORKS USING COGNITIVE RADIO. W. Kim, S. Oh, M. Gerla, J.-S. Park. In Proc. of IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) 2009.[pdf]
[C17] Efficient Parallelized Network Coding for P2P File Sharing Applications. K. Park, J.-S. Park, W. Ro. In Proc. of Grid and Pervasive Computing 2009.[pdf]
[C16] Secure Incentives for Commercial Ad Dissemination in Vehicular Networks. S.-B. Lee, G. Pan, J.-S. Park, M. Gerla, S. Lu. In Proc. of ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MOBIHOC) 2007.[pdf]
[C15] MIMO and TCP:A Case for Cross Layer Design. S. Y. Oh, M. Gerla, J.-S. Park. In Proc. of IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) 2007.
[C14] CodeTorrent: Content Distribution using Network Coding in VANETs. U. Lee, J.-S. Park, J. Yeh, G. Pau, M. Gerla. In Proc. of ACM International Workshop on Decentralized Resource Sharing in Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiShare) 2006.
[C13] Performance of Network Coding in Ad Hoc Networks. J.-S. Park, D. S. Lun, F. Soldo, M. Gerla, M. Medard. In Proc. of IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) 2006.[pdf]
[C12] UAV Assisted Disruption Tolerant Routing. M. Le, J.-S. Park, M. Gerla. In Proc. of IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) 2006.
[C11] FleaNet: A Virtual Market Place on Vehicular Networks. U. Lee, J.-S. Park, E. Amir, M. Gerla. In Proc. of International Workshop on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications (V2VCOM) 2006. (Invited paper.)
[C10] Time-critical Underwater Sensor Diffusion with No Proactive Exchanges and Negligible Reactive Floods. U. Lee, J. Kong, J.-S. Park, E. Magistretti, M. Gerla. In Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) 2006.
[C9] A Secure Ad-hoc Routing Approach using Localized Self-healing Communities. J. Kong, X. Hong, Y. Yi, J.-S. Park, J. Liu, M. Gerla. In Proc. of ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MOBIHOC) 2005.
[C8] SPACE-MAC: Enabling Spatial Resuse using MIMO channel-aware MAC. J.-S. Park, A. Nandan, M. Gerla, H. Lee. In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2005.
[C7] On Demand Multicast Routing with Unidirectional Links. M. Gerla, Y. Lee, J.-S. Park, Y. Yi. In Proc. of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2005.
[C6] E-ODMRP: Enhanced ODMRP with Motion Adaptive Refresh. S. Oh, J.-S. Park, M. Gerla. In Proc. of International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS) 2005.
[C5] Intelligent Backbone Swarms for scalable, disruption tolerant wireless networking. M. Gerla, J.-S. Park, R. Battiti, A. Garg. In Proc. of IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium (SIS) 2005.
[C4] Flow Based Dynamic Load Balancing for Passive Network Monitoring. U. Lee, J.-S. Park, M. Sanadidi, M. Gerla. In Proc. of IASTED International conference on Communications and Computer Network 2005.
[C3] Implementation and Validation of Multicast-Enabled Landmark Ad-hoc Routing Protocol. Y. Yi, J.-S. Park, S. Lee, Y. Lee, M. Gerla. In Proc. of IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) 2003.
[C2] Team Oriented Multicast: A Scalable Routing Protocol for Large Mobile Networks. Y. Yi, M. Gerla, J.-S. Park, D. Maggiorini. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2816, 2003.[pdf]
[C1] Optimizing Graph Algorithms for Improved Cache Performance. J.-S. Park, M. Penner, V. K. Prasanna. In Proc. of IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) 2002.
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